Vladislava Sapronova
Legal assistant
litigation, corporate, family law


  • 2018 – now – Legal assistant in Jusguard Legal Services
  • 2018 – Bachelor of Law, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • 2016 – 2017 – Assistant Attorney in SEART Lawyers



`The legal profession is multifaceted. There is an opinion that it is limited to working with documents and representation in the courts. This is an obvious misconception.

This profession involves not only the possession of legal knowledge, reinforced by experience, effective communication skills and oratory, but also excellent physical training, endurance, patience, psychologist skills, and sometimes the abilities of a wizard`.



`Never stop looking. Look for a solution to the issue, a way out of a difficult situation, new ways and opportunities to achieve success. As they say, who seeks will always find. But this is not the only component of success.

Steve Jobs said that the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.

And to love your job truly you should to throw yourself into your work. This is the way to form a professional from the “ordinary lawyer”, and professionalism leads to success`.


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