Andriy Ponomariov
Patent Attorney, Ph.D.
intellectual property, trademark registration


  • 2013 - Ph.D. in Law, the topic of research: "Economic and legal protection of marks for goods, services and industrial designs in Ukraine"
  • 2010 - patent attorney
  • 2008 - Master of Laws, Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute
  • 2005 - Master of Laws, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



'There are sample cases, for example - registration, when you act according to a certain algorithm, without any surprises, and predictably you get a positive result. However, there are many unique cases in which no algorithm will help. You need to be a strategist and a tactician, love your job, know it well, and not be afraid to improvise. The rest will be prompted by the situation itself. In any case, in my practice, this method works for one hundred percent'.


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