They trust us
Ukrspirt state enterprise

Ukrspirt state enterprise expresses its deep gratitude to the lawyers of Jusguard Legal Services, who provide protection for our company in disputes with tax authorities. Your perseverance, high professional training and creative, and sometimes even innovative approaches to our legal protection ensured positive court decisions for Ukrspirt for a total amount of more than 250 mln hrn.


We confidently recommend Jusguard Legal Serveces to everyone who needs legal assistance, and we look forward to further cooperation.


Jusguard's lawyers, headed by managing partner Sergei Chaplian, are only showing their best side, are quick to respond to emerging issues, offer optimal solutions to difficult problems.

Rentall Ltd.

Very attentive to details, highly professional, resolves all legal issues promptly, which is very important for any businessman in Ukraine.

Rusanivka Joint Stock Company

The Jusguard's team of strong professionals provides a high professional level support for the financial and economic activities of our company, identifies tax risks and provides effective defense in pre-trial procedure and, if necessary, in courts.